


编写一个 Python 程序,使用用户指定的角度检查三角形是否有效。记住,任何三角形都是有效的,如果三角形中 3 个角的和等于 180°

检查三角形是否有效的 Python 程序示例 1

这个 python 程序帮助用户输入三角形的所有角度。接下来,我们使用 If Else 语句检查给定角度之和是否等于 180°。如果为真,print 语句将打印一个有效的三角形。否则, python 程序打印为无效三角形。

# Python Program to check Triangle is Valid or Not

a = int(input('Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: '))
b = int(input('Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: '))
c = int(input('Please Enter the Third Angle of a Triangle: '))

# checking Triangle is Valid or Not
total = a + b + c

if total == 180:
    print("\nThis is a Valid Triangle")
    print("\nThis is an Invalid Triangle")

验证三角形是否有效的 Python 程序示例 2

在上面的 Python 例子中,我们忘了检查任何一个角度是否为零。因此,我们使用逻辑与运算符来确保所有角度都大于 0

a = int(input('Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: '))
b = int(input('Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: '))
c = int(input('Please Enter the Third Angle of a Triangle: '))

# checking Triangle is Valid or Not
total = a + b + c

if (total == 180 and a != 0 and b != 0 and c != 0):
    print("\nThis is a Valid Triangle")
    print("\nThis is an Invalid Triangle")
Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: 70
Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: 70
Please Enter the Third Angle of a Triangle: 40

This is a Valid Triangle
=================== RESTART: /Users/suresh/Desktop/ ===================
Please Enter the First Angle of a Triangle: 90
Please Enter the Second Angle of a Triangle: 90
Please Enter the Third Angle of a Triangle: 0

This is an Invalid Triangle




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