

创新互联公司成立以来不断整合自身及行业资源、不断突破观念以使企业策略得到完善和成熟,建立了一套“以技术为基点,以客户需求中心、市场为导向”的快速反应体系。对公司的主营项目,如中高端企业网站企划 / 设计、行业 / 企业门户设计推广、行业门户平台运营、重庆APP开发公司、手机网站开发、微信网站制作、软件开发、成都服务器托管等实行标准化操作,让客户可以直观的预知到从创新互联公司可以获得的服务效果。



  • 元素代表一张图片,我们需要添加一些基本的导航按钮,如“Previous”和“Next”,以便用户可以手动切换图片。

        Image Scrolling
    • Image 1
    • Image 2
    • Image 3



    • 元素设置为绝对定位,我们将图片设置为填充整个容器宽度,并设置适当的边距和边框,我们将图片的初始位置设置为左侧,并使用过渡效果实现平滑的滚动效果。

      /* styles.css */
      body {
          display: flex;
          justifycontent: center;
          alignitems: center;
          height: 100vh;
          margin: 0;
      .slider {
          position: relative;
          width: 600px;
          height: 300px;
          overflow: hidden;
      #imagelist {
          position: absolute;
          top: 0;
          left: 0;
          width: 200%;
          height: 100%;
          liststyle: none;
          margin: 0;
          padding: 0;
      #imagelist li {
          position: absolute;
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;
          objectfit: cover;
          opacity: 0;
          transition: opacity 1s easeinout;
      #imagelist li img {
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;



      // scripts.js
      const imageList = document.getElementById('imagelist');
      const images = Array.from(imageList.getElementsByTagName('li'));
      let currentIndex = 0;
      let autoScrollInterval = null;
      function showImage(index) {
          images.forEach((img, i) => {
              if (i === index) {
         = 1;
              } else {
         = 0;
      function nextImage() {
          currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % images.length;
      function previousImage() {
          currentIndex = (currentIndex 1 + images.length) % images.length;
      document.getElementById('prev').addEventListener('click', () => {
          clearInterval(autoScrollInterval); // Stop auto scrolling when clicking Previous button
          previousImage(); // Show previous image manually when clicking Previous button
      document.getElementById('next').addEventListener('click', () => {
          clearInterval(autoScrollInterval); // Stop auto scrolling when clicking Next button and show next image manually when clicking Next button manually once time only then start auto scrolling again after that click on next or previous button will not stop the auto scrolling again it will just change the image without stopping the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop the auto scrolling again for the first time only after that it will not stop the auto scrolling again untill we click on previous button to stop




      声明:本网站发布的内容(图片、视频和文字)以用户投稿、用户转载内容为主,如果涉及侵权请尽快告知,我们将会在第一时间删除。文章观点不代表本网站立场,如需处理请联系客服。电话:028-86922220;邮箱。内容未经允许不得转载,或转载时需注明来源: 创新互联