
4. 外部因子:最好将优化方法作为KPI (Key Performance Indicator) 来衡量 SEO 绩效;




1. 关键词分析:对关键词进行分析,以便于找出最适宜的关键字。要考虑用户在使用搜索引擎时可能使用的关键字和相应的流量。

2. 竞争力分析:对竞争者进行分析,以便于找出主要竞争者并明确自己在市场中处于何种位置。此外也可以通过对竞争者的内容、代理方式、优化情况来得出一个大致印象。

3. 技术性能分析:对当前网站整体性能进行分析,如是否有重定向问题、是否有404 Not Found 页面、是否存在不必要的JavaScript文件和CSS文件、图片大小是否适当…… 这部分可以帮助我们找出影响SEO效益的障碍并根之而泰。

4. 外部因子: 利用Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Center, Yahoo Site Explorer 等工具来看看外部因子(如友情链接)如何影响SEO效益;

5. 建议: 根椐上述4个方法得出一套优化方法, 最好将优化方法作为KPI (Key Performance Indicator) 来衡量 SEO 绩效;

6. 追踪: 通过 Google Analytics , Sitemap Generator , Robots Tester 等已生成/保留/测试 SEO 技术文件来保障 SEO 技术文件没问题;

7. 利用Web 2 .0 : 高度集成Web 2 .0 (RSS Feeds / Social Bookmarking / Blogging ) ;

8. Content Optimization : 优化Content Quality & Quantity ;

9. Link Building : Build Links from High PR Sites and Relevant Sites ; 10 . Monitor Results : Monitor the Rankings of Keywords in Search Engines to Measure the Effectiveness of Your SEO Efforts . 11 . Reporting & Analysis : Analyze the Data Collected and Report on Progress Made with Respect to Goals Set for Your Website's Ranking Improvement Campaigns . 12 . Maintenance & Updates : Keep Updating Your Website Regularly with Fresh Content and New Features to Maintain Its Visibility in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). 13 . User Experience Optimization : Improve User Experience by Making Sure That All Elements on a Page Load Quickly and Properly Without Any Errors or Broken Links etc., So as To Enhance Overall Usability of The Site for Visitors Coming From Different Sources Such As Organic Searches, Referrals Etc.. 14 . Mobile Optimization: Make Sure That The Website Is Fully Responsive And Compatible With All Types Of Devices Including Smartphones And Tablets For Optimal Viewing Experiences Across Multiple Platforms And Operating Systems.. 15 . Local Listings Management: Manage Local Business Listings On Popular Directories Like Yelp, Yellow Pages Etc., To Increase Visibility In Local Searches.. 16 .. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Track Conversions Through Various Channels Such As Paid Ads Or Organic Traffic To Identify Areas Where Improvements Can Be Made In Order To Maximize ROI From Each Source Of Traffic.. 17 .. Online Reputation Management (ORM): Monitor Reviews About Your Brand On Different Websites And Take Necessary Steps To Address Negative Feedback If Any Before It Affects Your Brand Image Negatively.. 18 .. Social Media Marketing (SMM): Leverage Popular Social Networking Platforms Like Facebook, Twitter Etc., For Promoting Products/Services Offered By You Along With Generating Leads Through These Channels... 19 .. Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC): Utilize PPC Advertising Services Provided By Major Search Engines Like Google AdWords Or Bing Ads For Targeted Promotion Of Products/Services Offered By You At A Cost Effective Price Point.... 20 .. Email Marketing: Use Email Newsletters Or Automated Emails For Keeping Existing Customers Updated About Latest Deals/Offers Available On Your Store While Also Acquiring New Customers Through This Channel..... 21 ... Affiliate Marketing Programs: Create An Affiliate Program Which Will Allow Other Websites To Promote Products Sold By You In Exchange For A Commission Fee...... 22 .... Video Marketing Strategies: Develop Videos Related To Products Being Sold By You And Upload Them On YouTube Along With Embedding Them Into Landing Pages Of The Website........ 23 ...... Voice Search Optimization Strategies: Implement Voice Search Friendly Practices Into The Design Of The Website So As To Ensure Maximum Visibility When People Are Using Voice Commands Instead Of Typing Queries Into Their Devices....... 24 ........ International Expansion Strategies - Expand Internationally By Creating Country Specific Versions Of The Main Domain Name Along With Setting Up Separate Subdomains Containing Language Specific Content......... 25 .......... Monitoring Competitors' Activities - Keep Track Of What Competitors Are Doing In Terms Of Their Own SEO Efforts So As To Stay Ahead In SERPs............. 26 ........... Measuring Return on Investment - Calculate Return on Investment Based Upon Amount Spent Vs Revenue Generated From Organic Traffic............





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